IoT Network of Sensor Array for Intrusion Detection and Diagnosis of Electrical Systems

Andani Achmad, Intan Sari Areni, Elyas Palantei, Andini Dani Achmad, - Muliadi


Modern buildings consist of various equipment, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and lighting. All equipment can be monitored and managed by the building management system. All of these components can be damaged due to prolonged use, misconfiguration, and network connection problems. Equipment breakdown affects maintenance costs and, in particular, energy efficiency. This study aims to develop a monitoring system of the current consumption of lighting (lamps) by light detection and current consumption of air conditioning (AC) by room temperature detection using Internet of Things (IoT) implementation. Hardware design consists of a power supply circuit, installing an ACS 712 current sensor, LDR sensor, the temperature sensor of DHT22, and thermal sensor of LM35. While the software design consists of a diagram flow for the current sensor, light sensor, temperature sensor reading program, program on the display board, and a web server design. The detection of current, lamplight, room temperature, and thermal cable is carried out to determine errors that occur in electrical equipment. Monitoring the consumption of lighting flows by detecting lamp light and air conditioning current consumption by detecting room temperature is done through the Firebase web server using a computer or smartphone. The results showed that the built system could monitor current consumption, detect lamplight, and detect room temperature in real-time. This system can be used to detect faulty electrical equipment and determine its position so that repairs can be carried out immediately. However, the type of damage has not been identified.


IoT; sensor array; monitoring system; fault detection; web-based system.

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