The Influence of Electroosmosis on Compressibility of Tanon’s Clay

Niken Silmi Surjandari, Yusep Muslih Purwana, Rizky Agung Wijaya


Clay soils have a tendency to have high water content, high plasticity, long decline time, low permeability, and low bearing capacity. This study aims to determine the effect of electro-osmosis on clay soil compressibility. This research employed clay taken from Tanon, Sragen, Central Java. Electro-osmosis testing is carried out by physical model experiments using variations in the distance between the electrodes, which are 30 cm and 45 cm, as well as variations in the potential difference of 0; 4,5; 9; 12 volts. The physical model of box-shaped electro-osmosis is 50 x 30 x 15 cm. The test results show that electro-osmosis can reduce the compressibility of clay soil. This can be seen in the compressibility index (Cc) value of the soil, which experienced the greatest decrease reaching 60% compared to the land that was not electroosmosed. The greater the value of soil water content, the greater the compressibility of the soil. Soil strain is reduced by 35% compared to unelectroosmotic soil. The modulus of elasticity (Eedo) of the soil increased by 137%. The most water volume that comes out is 94 ml at a voltage of 12 volts and a distance of 30 cm. The process of electro-osmosis is influenced by the distance and potential differences that are given. However, the most influential factor is the distance between the electrodes. This research proves that the electro-osmosis process can reduce the compressibility of clay soil.


Clay soil; electro-osmosis; soil compressibility.

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