Assessment of Maintenance Performance Using the Maintenance Scorecard Method and Prioritization of Problem Control Strategies with the USG Method

Rahmat Nurcahyo, Duhita Wahyu Maulida, Danar Agus Susanto, Ellia Kristiningrum


Measuring the performance of machine maintenance becomes very important, serves as a monitoring tool, and triggers increased performance in the production section. Losses due to engine damage will impact the company's profit, which is less than optimal because maintenance can contribute as much as 20-50% of the cost composition of the company's operational costs. This study aimed to measure performance in the maintenance section using the maintenance scorecard (MS) and determine the priority of the performance control strategy using the Urgency, Seriousness, and Growth Method (USG). The research was conducted through case studies on chemical manufacturing companies located in Indonesia. The performance assessment results with the maintenance scorecard method show that the total scorecard maintenance value is in the category of need improvement, which is 63.35. There are 3 KPIs in the very bad category: maintenance costs from a cost-efficiency perspective, work completed from a quality perspective, and self-audit from a learning perspective. The first and foremost strategy that can be done based on USG's priority is to implement reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) to reduce time loss and increase the knowledge and competence of employees. This priority is useful when a company encounters a constraint so that it cannot carry out all strategies simultaneously or can only carry out some strategies while still getting optimal benefits from continuous improvement.


Maintenance management; maintenance scorecard; USG; prioritize strategy

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