Measuring the Substitution of Vegetable Waste Fermented Rumen Fluid with Tofu Waste in Vannamei Shrimp Feed

- Murni, - Haryati, Herry Sonjaya, Siti Aslamyah


Vannamei shrimp cultivation in Indonesia deals with the complication at high feed fees as a result of raw material feed protein sources. Rumen fluid fermented vegetable waste has the potential to substitute tofu in feed Litopenaues vannamei. This study aims to determine the substitution of vegetable waste with the rumen fluid fermented tofu is best to improve the performance of vannamei shrimp growth. Research carried out for 60 days with evaluation substitution levels of rumen fluid fermented vegetable waste with tofu in vannamei shrimp feed. designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments each with 3 replications, thus totaling 12 experimental units. Feed treatment tested is A) 0 (control), B) 33.33, C) 66.67, D) 100% rumen fluid fermented vegetable waste.  The results showed that the substitution of tofu with fermented vegetable waste rumen fluid in vannamei shrimp feed a significant effect (P <0.05) on digestive enzyme activity, total and nutrient digestibility, growth, and survival rate of vannamei shrimp. The research shows that the tofu substitution more than sixty percent of fermented vegetable waste could improve feed efficiency to more than a quarter of vannamei shrimp growth. Tofu substitution of rumen fluid fermented vegetable waste in feed could increase the activity of digestive enzymes, total digestibility, nutrient digestibility, growth, and survival of juvenile vannamei shrimp.


bioactivate enzyme; survival rate; feed; fermented vegetable waste; hydrolyze fiber.

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