A Framework for Factors Influencing the Implementation of Information Assurance for e-Government in Indonesia

Rio Guntur Utomo, Gary Wills, Robert Walters


Electronic government (e-Government) enables outstanding improvements to be made to services for the public by the government. This is achieved through improvements to service quality and availability for which access can be given regardless of place and time. In Indonesia, the implementation of e-Government is still not extensively comprehensive and yet being optimized. To support e-Government implementation, it is essential to implement information assurance (IA). This is intended to reduce the risks to businesses in regard to information and information systems and ensuring the business continuity when incidents occur. Additionally, it is necessary to understand the practices and cultures which exist in the government agencies which are implementing IA. However, so far, there has not been any research that has focused on IA for Indonesian e-Government. Therefore, this paper researches the factors which influence the implementation of IA in Indonesia to support e-Government. A framework is proposed and consists of three categories: Indonesian Context, Implementation Management, and Organizational Management. The framework was developed through the identification of the factors from IA international standards, international publications, and various challenges. Furthermore, the framework was reviewed and confirmed by surveying practitioners, and interviewing experts in the IA, information security, and e-Government fields in various Indonesian institutions. The results were analyzed by conducting the non-parametric test. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha test was used for testing the data reliability. The results demonstrate that every proposed factor in the framework is significant.


information assurance; information security; e-government

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.10.3.9186


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