Implementation of Mechanical Technology Competence Learning Model with Maximum Likelihood Estimation

A Muhammad Idkhan, - Djuanda, Iswahyudi Indra Putra


Developed countries in the world need evaluation in the world of education. This evaluation is used to formulate policies that support the creation of competitive human resources against the industrial era 4.0. This research conducted to analyze and look at the mechanical, technological competencies of students who are influenced by factors of learning psychology, namely the scientific approach to learning, the level of student independence and the reasoning abilities of students. This study will use a non-probability sampling technique, namely accidental sampling technique. This method is a sampling procedure that selects samples from people or units that are most easily found or accessed as respondents. It is undoubtedly by the size of the sample in the Structural Equation Model with the estimation model using a minimum Maximum Likelihood (ML). The population of this research is the tenth-grade students in the Mechanical Engineering expertise program which consists of the Field of Mechanical Engineering and Welding Techniques in the Vocational High School in Makassar City, amounting to 248 students. The number of samples used was 120 respondents considering the outlier numbers at the period of the examination. The exogenous variable in this study is the implementation of the scientific approach, learning independence. The endogenous variable in this study is the achievement of mechanical technology competencies while the intervening variable or connecting variable is reasoning ability. From the consequences of the analysis, there is a significant influence between the variable ability to mechanical technology competence and the variable self-regulated learning to mechanical technology competence. It shows that students mandate learning, either directly or indirectly, will improve student competence but must be through understanding students' ethical reasoning. From the results of the study, there is a significant influence between the variable ability to mechanical technology competence and the variable self-regulated learning to mechanical technology competence. It shows that students mandate learning, either directly or indirectly, will improve student competence but must be through understanding students' ethical reasoning.


evaluation education; scientific approach; reasoning; self-regulated learning; structural equation model analysis.

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