Study on the Effects of Characteristic Polynomial in LFSR for Randomness Quality

Meilana Siswanto, Gunawan Witjaksono, Moesfa Soeheila, Zharfan Hamdan


Randomness quality of keys becomes an essential in secure communications, since the security of modern cryptographic techniques relies on unpredictable and irreproducible digital keys which are generated by random number generator (RNG). This study focuses on the effects of characteristic polynomial in linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) for randomness quality. RNG's output is produced by integrating binary random source based on optic and LFSR. In this observation, randomness of the RNG's output with different characteristic polynomials has been tested using National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) test. The result shows that RNG with LFSR which is characterized by a feedback being a primitive polynomial of n-1 passes all the NISTstandard statistical tests.


LFSR effects in randomness; randomness quality; RNG

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