Design of Bentor Steering System Using Tie-Rod

- Zulhaji, Muhammad Yahya


The mobility of the people in the suburbs is very high, especially the Angkot (Pete-pete) only reaches the main road so that to take the remote lane is now used Bentor transportation that can take remote lanes and housing. The issue of eradicating ridges has been developing in the cemetery because Bentor transport vehicles are not roadworthy because to turn them must move like a place where passengers interfere with passenger safety. This, of course, will reduce employment and increase unemployment, so the policy recommendations for benthic operations are very open, especially in areas not covered by public transportation. These recommendations include changing the steering system so that only the front wheel moves when turning. The results of the design and research of the Bentor steering system using a tie-rod make it easier for the driver to turn and provide a sense of security and comfort to the passengers because they are no longer driven when turning, the driver does not bend his body, this indicates that the steering system can function properly. The results of the Bentor steering measurements using a tie rod are obtained as appropriate camber, caster and toe angles and have a turning angle of 40O, so that they can turn better than ordinary Bentor.


Bentor, Steering System, Tie-Rod, Security, Comfort

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