Sub Surface Active Fault Identification on Quaternary and Tertiary Rocks using Geoelectric Method in Cilaki Drainage Basin, Southern Part of West Java, Indonesia

Johan Budi Winarto, Emi Sukiyah, Agus Didit Haryanto, Iyan Haryanto


The geophysical surveys are needed to obtain information on subsurface geology for infrastructure development, mitigation of landslide and geothermal. Cilaki drainage basin is an area Garut Regency at southern part of West Java. The area has complex geological and the main target in development plan of Southern part of West Java. The electrical resistivity method of the Schlumberger configuration was used to identify the geological subsurface and the active fault of the study area. The measurement of the electrical resistivity was made on 7 lanes (GL 1 until GL 7).  The location has a height of 195 to 925 meters above sea level with depth reaching more than 120 meters and electrical resistivity value of 6 - 450 Ω meters. Generally, the electrical resistivity value of Quaternary rock units have value between 80 and 450 Ω meters and Tertiary rock unit have value of 6 - 40 Ω meters. Based on the results of data analysis can be interpreted that the area has been deformed. This is reflected also in the geomorphology as an indication of tectonic phenomenon in the form of active faults. Quantitatively, this is reflected in the value of the mountain-front sinuosity (Smf) index which ranges 1.036 to 2.173. This phenomenon occurs in geomorphology which is composed of Tertiary and Quaternary rocks.


sub surface survey; active fault; geo-electrical method; Cilaki drainage basin.

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