A Model of Control Valve for Wagons Equipped by k-Blocks

G. Arcidiacono, L. Cantone


Paper illustrates the key features of the control valve model of TrainDy, renewed to be compliant with wagons that equip composite brake blocks type k in their braking systems. TrainDy is an international software owned by UIC (The International Union of Railways) and used by major Railway Undertakings in Europe to perform computations of Longitudinal Train Dynamics. Composite brake blocks type k equips new or revamped freight trains in Europe and are used to reduce train noise caused by particles of friction material between wheel and rail. This topic is particularly relevant since a relevant part of freight traffic in Europe is performed during night and many railway lines are close to highly populated areas. Paper shows the validation of this new model against experimental test campaigns performed at bench and in real field and made available for the revision process of UIC CODE 421 for freight train interoperability.


Freight trains; composite brake blocks; k-Blocks; Control Valve; UIC CODE 421; TrainDy; Longitudinal Train Dynamics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.8.1.4974


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