Tree Vegetation Structure at the Realolo Village Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park Maros District

Muhammad Wiharto, Siti Fatmah Hiola, Syamsinar S, Muhammad Wijaya, Hamka L


This paper reports on tree vegetation structure at the Realolo village, Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. Data were collected from  15 transects with the size of each transect was 100 x 10 m at Region I, Region II, and Region III that successively farther away from the settlements. The results showed there were 49 species and belong to 30 families. Family with the highest number of species is Myrtaceae. In the Region, I and II, species with the highest Important Value Index (IVI) belonged to Gastoniaserratifolia, and at Region III belong to Litsea sp. Species with the lowest IVI Region I belonged to Phaleriacapitata, at Region II belonged to Pittosporummolucanum, and at Region III was belong to Bischoviajavanica. The class interval of density and frequency showed more rare species than widespread species. Soil's temperature and pH have a negative relation with trees' frequency and density. More species distribute the lowest stem class diameter. The highest value of Shannon Wiener's diversity index, Richness Index and Pielou's evenness index was in Region II, and the lowest value of these indexes was in Region I.This study provides a baseline for the management of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park.


tree vegetation structure; Realolo village; Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park; important value index

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