Airline Service Quality Analysis Using Integration of Fuzzy Servqual, PGCV Index, and TRIZ Methods in Indonesian Full-Service Carrier Airlines

Diana Puspita Sari, Dyah Ika Rinawati, - Midiawati


The airlines in Indonesia consist of full-service carrier (FSC), medium service carrier (MSC) and low-cost carrier (LCC) category. FSC has some characteristics where the baggage policy is free up to 20 kg, available in food, beverages, magazines, entertainments such as audio and video, economic or non-economic flight classes, executive lounge facilities and classrooms, and seating spaces. Preliminary research conducted in one of the FSC airlines showed some consumers complained about customer satisfaction issues.  Based on these problems, the research objectives are to measure customer satisfaction of FSC airlines, to identify problematic service criteria with fuzzyservqual and PGCV index, and to design a system improvement using the TRIZ Method. The result of services quality measurement described that there are 12 criteria unsuitable for the passenger's expectation. The results of TRIZ analysis obtained suggest for improvement such as the placement of professional flight attendants when flying, providing support facilities such a waiting room to increase passenger convenience, placing expert staff for sympathetic information that can be accessed by passengers.


FSC; service quality; fuzzyservqual; PGCV index; TRIZ methods.FSC; service quality; fuzzyservqual; PGCV index; TRIZ methods.

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