Data Mining for Detecting E-learning Courses Anomalies: An Application of Decision Tree Algorithm

Fatiha Elghibari, Rachid Elouahbi, Fatima El Khoukhi


E-learning adaptation has become the most important method that facilitates access to the appropriate content. Adaptive approaches consist of reducing the problems of incompatibilities between learner’s cognitive abilities and educational content’s difficulties. In some cases, the adapted curriculum cannot meet learner's skills completely seen its incoherent structure, its unsuitable methodologies and sometimes its complexity. Therefore, we need to measure the convenience of the content material to improve it and ensure learners’ satisfaction. In other words, it is necessary to estimate its appropriateness to each learner. That is why; we have proceeded by using decision tree (DT) algorithm which is a supervised data mining method. It helps to predict the convenience of the proposed content material for learners. Our system consists of classifying learning material into two classes: “goodâ€Â if it is convenient, and “anomalyâ€Â if not. To achieve that, we have used an intelligent agent called Classifier Agent (CLA). It tracks learner’s behavior by collecting a set of attributes like score, learning time, and number of attempts, feedback and interactions with the tutor. Then, he calculates the predictive attribute by using the (DT) algorithm. The finding algorithm shows that the score is the most crucial indicator gives us more information about the conformity of curriculum to learners, followed by learning time, feedback and number of attempts.


e-learning; learners’ convenience; content material’s anomalies; decision tree; adaptation.

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