Teacher Challenges in Designing the Learning after Curriculum Change: An Analysis of Learning Management System

Sri Marmoah, Fatma Sukmawati, Jenny I S Poerwanti, - Supianto, - Yantoro, Diana Sinziana Duca


Curriculum change is an essential educational milestone, which often aims to align the education system with the needs of continuously developing society and global trends. This research aims to identify teachers' challenges in designing learning after curriculum changes. The research design uses quantitative description. The respondents were 214 elementary school teachers in six Central Java, Indonesia cities. An online questionnaire form created using Google Forms is used to collect data. Data was taken using a survey and analyzed descriptively. This instrument consists of 3 (three) parts: (1) teacher challenges regarding curriculum changes, (2) the teacher's ability to design learning, and (3) knowledge and competence about and in using the LMS. The study results show that the biggest challenge for teachers lies in management, experience, and references in implementing the new curriculum, even though their readiness is high. Teachers need supporting facilities like a learning management system (LMS) to help them design lessons and develop learning modules. The majority of teachers are familiar with using LMS, so LMS can be a solution to adapt to teacher challenges. Using LMS to create teaching modules can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of all teacher activities at every level of education. It is hoped that the findings of this research can serve as a guide for educators, researchers, educational technology creators, and governments in exploring and developing new ways to support teachers' work, from planning to assessing learning tools. They can easily upload materials, create assignments and tests, and provide feedback to students.


Teacher challenges; designing learning; curriculum change; Learning Management System (LMS)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.13.6.19655


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