Investigating an Enhanced Approach for Greenhouse Climate Control: Optimising Cooling and Heating Systems

Endi Sailul Haq, Shinta Setiadevi, Eka Mistiko Rini, Dianni Yusuf, Ardito Atmaka Aji


This study aimed to enhance greenhouse climate regulation by optimizing the efficiency of existing cooling and heating systems while considering external temperature and humidity conditions. We introduced an automated system capable of regulating the internal greenhouse environment, which underwent testing across 30 days in September 2021, with temperatures ranging from 26°C to 31°C and humidity from 65% to 70%. The system consistently monitored and adjusted the microclimate, with sensors capturing temperature and humidity data at 30-second intervals, amassing over 83,000 data entries for enhanced control accuracy. The automated regulation effectively maintained desired humidity, significantly reducing nighttime levels by 80% while carefully increasing daytime humidity to counteract external heat. Temperature control was largely successful, sustaining daytime levels around 32°C, but faced challenges in maintaining the target of 26°C during cooler nights. Energy consumption was optimized, with the automation leading to a significant 4-33% energy saving for cooling and an 8% saving in heating compared to traditional methods. Additionally, the system was accessible via a web interface, allowing for real-time climate tracking and prompt anomaly identification. In conclusion, the developed greenhouse automation system exhibited efficiency in equipment usage and improved temperature and humidity control. Further enhancements are required for lamp-based heating. This research contributes to the efficiency and reliability of greenhouse automation systems, mitigating risks associated with external environmental factors and enhancing stability, productivity, and disease and pest prevention.


Greenhouse climate control; tropical country; automation system; energy efficiency

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