Increasing Viability of Bacillus subtilis BR610 through Inulin-Loaded Synbiotic Microcapsules

Bunga Rante Tampangallo, Hilal Anshary, - Sriwulan, Rachman Syah


This study aims to determine the growth pattern of Bacillus subtilis BR610 isolated from the intestines of Rabbitfish on broth + inulin nutrient media, the diameter of beads, encapsulation rate, absorption efficiency, and probiotic viability in synbiotic microcapsules when exposed to simulated bile and high temperature. The study was designed with a completely randomized plan. The treatments tested were inulin and alginate concentration, viability in 10% bile, temperatures of 70oC and 90oC. An overview of granular synbiotic microcapsules is presented in the form of images, while the quantitative data obtained was processed using ANOVA with the help of the SPSS application. BR610 synbiotic microcapsule beads are round to oval in shape, transparent white in color, and the granules' elasticity increases with increasing alginate concentration. Statistical test results showed that 1% inulin significantly increased the population of B. subtilis BR610, a diameter of beads 0.9-3 mm, viability of probiotics in beads was 7.776 ± 0.06 log CFU/mL. The highest rate and efficiency of encapsulation and survival of probiotics on simulated were obtained from beads with 2% alginate and 1% inulin concentration. Synbiotic microcapsules can protect probiotics from environmental stress. This research serves as a scholarly resource on the utilization of probiotics in diverse domains, including fish feed production. It is well-established that the temperature within the feed molding apparatus can exceed 70oC during the fabrication of fish feed pellets. However, this is no longer a hindrance due to the implementation of alginate coating on probiotics.


Alginate; Bacillus subtilis BR610; extruded; inulin; Rabbitfish

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