Addition of Cd2+ Metal Ions to Conway Culture Medium on Phytoplankton Growth of Chaetoceros calcitrans

Andi Makkasau, Erma Suryani Sahabuddin


The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of Cd2+ metal ions on the growth of marine phytoplankton, specifically focusing on their potential as agents for phytoremediation in marine settings affected by heavy metal pollution. In this study, the behavior of Cd2+ metal ions added to the culture medium in phytoplankton type of Chaetoceros Calcitrans In the culture medium, an investigation was conducted on a series of Chaetoceros Calcitrans cultures, comparing those including and not including the Cd2+ metal ions’ addition. Observations were made on the growth pattern of Chaetoceros Calcitrans. To assess the impact of introducing Cd2+ metal ions into the Conway culture media, various metrics such as definite growth rate, growth inhibition percentage, and test of toxicity were employed. The findings indicated that the growth trajectory of Chaetoceros Calcitrans in the Conway medium, in the absence of Cd2+ metal ions as a control group, exhibited the most substantial growth curve. The growth patterns observed in the culture medium upon the addition of Cd2+ metal ions at a concentration of 0.1 mg/L were found to be comparable to those observed in the samples of control group. Adding Cd2+ metal ions at concentrations exceeding 0.1 mg/L has decreased the inhibited growth rate of Chaetoceros Calcitrans. The concurrent increase in PGI costs further exacerbates this effect. The findings from the statistical analysis of difference tests conducted on blanks investigating the impact of introducing Cd2+ metal ions to Chaetoceros Calcitrans suggest that concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 0.10 ppm of Cd2+ metal ions have no discernible effect on the growth of Chaetoceros Calcitrans. Furthermore, the highest concentration of Cd2+ metal ions that Chaetoceros Calcitrans can withstand is 0.10 ppm, with an EC50 value of 6.13 ppm.


Chaetoceros Calcitrans; Cd2+ metal ion; inhibited growth rate

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