Utilization of Sargassum Flour Fermented with Bacillus aerius Bacteria in Siganus guttatus Rabbitfish Enlargement Feed

- Kamaruddin, - Haryati, Siti Aslamyah, Muhammad Yusri Karim


This Sargassum is a staple food of rabbitfish in nature; although its nutritional quality is relatively low if it is used as one of the feed ingredients first carried out in the fermentation process, the results of this fermentation are used as one of the raw feed materials. The study was conducted to look at the use of fermented sargassum flour in feed at the lowest dose of 7.5% to the highest dose of 30%. This study was designed using a completely randomized design (RAL). Using 15 units of floating net cage containers. The study duration was 120 days. During the study, the test fish were fed thrice daily, namely 08.00 am, 1:00 pm, and 03:00 pm. Feeding is carried out. To determine the severity of the treatment of the biological response of test fish, sampling is carried out every 30 days. From several parameters observed, such as weight gain, specific growth rate, and daily feed consumption rate, although statistically not different (P>0.05), the tendency to increase with the increase in sargassum dose by 30%. Similarly, the total digestibility of feed, digestibility of feed protein, and digestibility of feed energy statistically do not show a difference (P>0.05) but also the tendency to increase. Based on the results of this activity, it was concluded that sargassum flour that has been fermented with bacillus aerius bacteria can be used well by rabbitfish, with as much as 30% in the feed.


Bacillus aerius; fermentation; sargassum; feed; rabbitfish; growth out

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.13.6.19034


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