The Impact of Online Transportation Services on Indonesian Urban Non-Working Trip Volume and Distribution Pattern: A Case Study in Bandung City

Miming Miharja, Renny Desiana, Desiree Marlyn Kipuw


The development of digital technology has made it much easier for most people to access online communication through smartphones. Such a phenomenon has encouraged operators to develop an online transportation service system, which has also been growing in Indonesian urban areas. The urban community accepts the new alternative of the application-based transportation system since it offers a much more efficient way to reach transportation services. Moreover, the online transportation system also offers a much wider range of destination locations. It is believed that the creation of an application-based transportation service system will affect metropolitan areas' social and economic conditions and how urban communities’ travel. The development of this application-based transportation service would change the configuration of urban non-working trip distribution patterns, which should be understood as inputs for the urban transport development plan. This research aims to understand the impact of online transportation services on non-working trip distribution patterns in Indonesian urban areas, with Bandung City as the case study. The method used in this research is statistical descriptive, using respondents' responses to map the influenced trip generation and distribution patterns. The results show that online transportation has enabled the community to travel more easily and reach wider areas. Such changes have formed a new travel pattern that extends the destination locations to a wider peri-urban area. In the future, the government should anticipate urban fringe area land use growth, changing the region into more "urbanized-built-up" areas.


Online transportation; non-working trip; trip distribution pattern

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