Learning Dayak Literature through Information Systems

Sigit Widiyarto, Dadang Sunendar, Dellia Mila Vernia, Siti Alifah, Hugo Aries Suprapto, Ari Wahyu Leksono, Nur Rizkiyah


This study aims to analyze old poetry (mantras) as part of learning literature during the Corona pandemic that is currently hitting Indonesia. Also, this study revitalizes culture by creating an information system application. This study used descriptive qualitative. There were 16 participants, consisting of the village community of Ranyai, cultures, traditional stakeholders, and village heads. This method provided an overview and described the research results on literary culture and an analysis of the structure of prayer/mantra in the Gawai Dayak tradition and its revitalization efforts. The results showed that the structure of the text in the form of mantra utterances was based on the analysis of syntax, rhyme, and rhythm. The context of the Gawai Dayak tradition consists of cultural, situational, social, and ideological contexts. The context of the Gawai Dayak tradition consisted of motion, proxemic, paralinguistic, and material contexts. The design of an information system on Dayak literature could help realize the revitalization of cultural traditions and teaching and learning processes in a directed, effective, and consistent manner during the Corona pandemic. The implication for further research was the opening of further research developments, such as looking for values from tradition. Learning that used information systems was also still wide open to be developed with other more complete applications and under the times.


Learning; literature; Dayak; information systems

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.13.6.18094


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