An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Personal Information’s Disclosure on Mobile Payment (E-Wallet) Platforms

Ashma Hanifah Shalihah, Yova Ruldeviyani, Karisa Saraswati, Abhimata Ar Rasyiid


Along with the growing number of smartphone users, applications on mobile devices have progressed rapidly. The financial sector is one of the sectors affected by these technological advances. Digital payment is part of a financial application that is commonly used by the public. Coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, transaction payment methods using mobile payment (e-wallet) platforms have also increased. In practice, e-wallets require users' personal information. This research aims to investigate factors that affect the intention of users to share their personal information on e-wallet platforms. This study tested six factors: personalized service, convenience, privacy settings control, familiarity, perceived benefit, and perceived privacy. These factors formed the basis of a research model and the proposed set of hypotheses. The data was collected through an online survey, and several 255 respondents provided valid responses. Using structural equation modeling, the SmartPLS application was used as a tool to process and analyze the survey data. The results of this study indicate that all hypotheses are accepted. This means perceived benefits and privacy from the user's side positively influence users' intentions to disclose their personal information regarding the use of e-wallet applications. Moreover, perceived benefit is impacted by personalized service and convenience factors. Meanwhile, perceived privacy is impacted by privacy settings control and familiarity factors. The findings and analyses are expected to allow fintech researchers to use prior work with adequate clarity, leading to improved rigid hypotheses in the future.


mobile payment; e-wallet; disclosure of personal information; PLS-SEM

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