Requirements for Domain-Specific Language in Enterprise Architecture-based SDGs Orchestration

Erda Guslinar Perdana, Benhard Sitohang, Husni Setiawan Sastramihardja, Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra


Coherence is a crucial issue in orchestrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the society level. The various parties involved with different language standards further increase the complexity of communication. Enterprise Architecture (EA), which emphasizes consistency and coherence as the pillars of its concept, can be used to address coherence issues in the SDGs orchestration. This study aims to build a Requirements Framework for developing an architecture description language as a domain-specific language used for EA-based SDGs orchestration. To clarify the purpose of the research, a motivating scenario was built in the form of the SDGs Participation Platform (SDGs-PP). SDGs-PP becomes the context in which EA-based SDGs orchestration involves society-level actors (orchestrators) and enterprise-level actors (enterprise architects). This Requirement Framework is built using design science methodology as a part of ongoing research. The requirements consisting of context, concept, and collaboration domains and nine action requirements (elicit, separate, connect, classify, manifest, map, arrange, separate, and set up) were successfully formulated. The Context domain was developed from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 standard. The Concept domain focuses on elaborating the SDGs means of implementation and the business ecosystem concept. The Collaboration domain discusses the separation in the model canvas between the enterprise and society domains. Apart from being used as a requirement framework for the meta-model development of an architecture description language, the results of this study can also be used further as a research framework in the domain of EA-based SDGs orchestration.


Enterprise architecture; SDGs; orchestration; architecture description language; requirement

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