Effect of Fertilization and Agricultural Amendments on the quality of a Prairy Established on a Volcanic Soil, Andosol

Emilio Basantes Morales, Sergio Ramón, Ramiro León, Santiago Basantes Aguas


This research was established at El Prado-IASA1 farm, Agricultural Engineering Career, on a soil of volcanic origin of the Andisol order, in order to evaluate the quality of the forage due to the effect of chemical fertilization and four amendments: lime (E1), gypsum (E2), magnesium silicate (E3) and phosphate rock (E4), mixed amendment (EM) and two level of NPK fertilization. These treatments were applied in an established meadow with: kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum), blue grass (Dactylis glomerata), perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens). The amendments and fertilization were incorporated after the first cut, in an amount equivalent to 1500 of lime, 500 of gypsum, 300 of magnesium silicate and 300 of phosphate rock kg ha-1 year-1, plus fertilization F1: N100-P50-K50 and F2: N300-P100-K100, fractionated for 10 cuts per year. The variables evaluated were: green mass production, dry matter, macro and micronutrient soil content. The forage assessment was based on the physiological growth of rye grass as a dominant prairie species. The results positively affected the quality and production of forage in t ha-1, due to the effect of lime, phosphate rock, and NPK fertilization. There was a high fixation of NH4, K, and P, due to the effect of amorphous minerals, high Fe content, and water deficit. Hence it is recommended to keep close to the soil's field capacity level.


NPK fertilization; amendments; lime; gypsum; silicon; phosphate rock; Andosol soil.

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