The Impact of Perceived Security and Perceived Trust on the Use of m-Payment Applications in Saudi Arabia

Raed Alotaibi, Abdulrahman Alghamdi


a significant technological revolution is currently occurring, with intense competition between companies to deliver their services via emerging technologies. In Saudi Arabia, mobile payment applications have become more important due to the increasing number of users. By filling in the gaps in the Saudi m-payment setting, this work contributes to the theory. It contributes to practice by giving service providers a clear image of the effects Perceived Security and Perceived Trust have on m-payment apps, which is necessary for them to execute their services successfully and effectively. Therefore, this study aims to measure the impact of Perceived Security and Perceived Trust on the use of mobile payment applications. The SEM technique was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the proposed model is an excellent fit and that the instrument is reliable in the Saudi m-payment context. The SEM results indicated a significant path between (Technical Protection, Transactional Procedures, and Security Statements in m-payment) and (the perceived trust in and perceived security of m-payment applications). It also revealed no significant path between Perceived Security and Trust in m-payment applications. Further, it showed a significant path between (Perceived Security and Perceived Trust) and (the use of the m-payment application). Trust (PT) in m-payment applications will increase the early adoption of these applications. Therefore, the service providers must create and develop secure and trustworthy m-payment applications; otherwise, people will not use them.


M-payment; Saudi Arabia; perceived security; perceived trust; technical protection; transaction procedures; security; statement.

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