Assessing LAPAN-A3 Satellite with Line Imager Space Application (LISA) Sensor for Oil Spill Detection

Pingkan Mayestika Afgatiani, Andi Ibrahim, Maryani Hartuti, Ega Asti Anggari, Agus Herawan, Patria Rachman Hakim, Ety Parwati


LAPAN-A3 (LA3) data has been utilized for earth observation in monitoring natural resources. While most applications are toward land resources monitoring, recent utilization indicates the possibility of LA3 detecting oil spill events on the sea surface. This research provides information regarding the ability of sensors characteristics of LA3 to detect oil slicks and its initial results by examining multispectral bands combination using Optimum Index Factor (OIF), and Digital Number (DN) extraction is carried out on each LA3 band in water-oil-water since LA3 is not able to change DN to reflectance value. In this study, besides using LA3 data, Sentinel-2 data was also used as comparative data and results in validation. Based on the results of the OIF calculation, the combination of the Blue-Green-NIR (BGN) band has the highest value compared to other combinations. This indicates that the BGN band combination is appropriate for visualizing oil and distinguishing between oil and water. The pattern formed from the visualization results with the combination of the BGN band is silvery in crude oil and greenish in ship waste disposal. The result is also strengthened by DN extraction from slick oil samples that shows a prominent pattern on the Blue and Green bands. Finally, this study can conclude that LA3 has great potential to detect oil spills visually but still requires further research for reflectance analysis by converting the DN value into reflectance.


Band combination; LAPAN-A3; oil slick; optical satellite; optimum index factor.

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