Study of Nisi Chicken Diversity Based on Morphometric Analysis and Bioacoustic Analysis

Alfi Sophian, - Abinawanto, Astari Dwiranti, Maria Ulfah


— This study aims to obtain data on the diversity of nisi chickens based on morphometric analysis of body weight bioacoustic analysis of the crowing sound. The number of studies that link morphometric analysis with bioacoustic analysis is one of the reference sources used as a reference in conducting this study. In the future, it is hoped that this research will be one of the contributions of knowledge for further research or similar research. The parameters used in the analysis are neck length for morphometric analysis and bioacoustic parameters using the number of crowing syllables, crowing duration, and wave frequency. The data generated from the morphometric analysis were then analyzed statistically for the average test using ANOVA which was analyzed together with the data generated from the Cold Edit Pro software to conclude the resulting data. The parameters observed were the number of crowed syllables, crowing duration, wave frequency, and crowing frequency. The results showed that the duration of the crowing of the nisi chicken ranged from 1.922 seconds to -2.064 seconds with an average duration of 1.9837 seconds. The results of morphometric analysis of neck length obtained that the average neck length of 30 chicken samples was 10.25 cm with the shortest range being 10.0 cm and the longest being 10.8 cm. The results of sound analysis for the wavelength frequency of the crowing of the nisi chicken ranged from 698.10 Hz - 786.22 Hz with an average wavelength of 733.89 Hz. For the number of syllables produced from the crowing sound, uniform results are obtained in the form of 7 syllables. The results of the analysis using ANOVA obtained an F count of 0.001447 smaller than F table 1.656383. The conclusion in this study is that the neck length morphometric analysis does not affect the bioacoustic analysis so that the diversity of nisi chickens analyzed shows uniformity.


Rooster, bioacoustics, frequency, Cold edit pro, Morphometric.

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