Effect of Moisture Contents and Roasting Degree on Quality of Wine Coffee from Arabica Gayo

Ismail Sulaiman, Dian Hasni, Riki Alkausar


Wine coffee is a newly diversified coffee product with specific market segments. The term “wine coffee†indicates that the brewed drink has a wine-like flavor. This coffee is going through coffee cherries fermentation for 10 to 30 days. Wine coffee is also known as fermented coffee because it goes through the fermentation process of the fruit before it becomes the coffee beans. As a brand new product, wine coffee processing techniques such as drying and roasting condition are still varied between the producers. Therefore, wine coffee producers need references to have similar perceptions. Nevertheless, the information related to the suitable roasting degree of moisture contents that could elevate the cupping quality of wine coffee is still lacking or not yet available. This study aims to determine the effect of moisture content in wine coffee green beans and roasting degree (light, medium, and dark) on the quality of the coffee wine. The measured parameters were physicochemical properties and the cupping test based on the SCAA standard. This study indicates that the pH value of brewed wine coffee is between 5.02 - 5.37. As the moisture content of the green bean decreased, the pH of its brewed was also decreased. All produced wine coffee in this research had cupping test’s total score varied from 82.00 - 83.75 and classified as specialty coffee qualifications. The distinctive flavor characteristics of coffee wines are obtained at the medium roast level with a total score of 83, 75, namely fruity, raisin, smoky, citrusy, good body, sweet, wine, banana, tangerine, dark caramel. Meanwhile, roasted coffee wine has a sourer taste; the resulting specific flavor such as burnt, tobacco, and a thick body at the dark roast level.


Wine coffee; fermentation; flavors; roasting degree.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.12.4.15666


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