The Impact of Security Perception Regarding the Existence of Information and Communication Technology on Public Space Utilization: The Case of Kalbu Palem Park, Bandung, Indonesia

Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro, Sri Maryati, Petrus Natalivan Indradjati, Andy Malik


The existence of the rise of public space, especially with the presence of information and communication technology (ICT) causes direct interaction between individuals overlapping in terms of public space utilization. Even several studies show that the presence of ICT makes it a new public space that presents features of social interaction between individuals and groups. The impact of the development of ICT can reduce the urge of people to use the park, even though the research does not show a relationship between the security perception of the community with the utilization of parks as part of urban public space. Previous studies showed that the community's utilization of parks is based on social functions related to security perceptions, specifically towards ICT presence. The analysis results show that the higher the frequency of community visits to the park, the lower the duration of park use. This study also found that the higher the utilization of ICT in the park, the higher the frequency and duration of visits the park. This research argued the previous research statement, which states that the utilization of ICT reduces the utilization of using the park as public spaces. This research contributes to the management of urban public spaces such as public parks concerning the existence of information and communication technology that can encourage the utilization of public space by the local community.


Parks, security perception, information and communication technology.

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