Electronic Records Management System Adoption Readiness Framework for Higher Professional Education Institutions in Yemen

Muaadh Mukred, Zawiyah M. Yusof, Umi Asma’ Mokhtar, Nazura Abdul Manap


Electronic records (e-records) are used to provide proof of organizational activities. E-records are crucial in complementing business functions, essential tool to assess organizational performance and are the core of good governance. E-records in Higher Professional Education (HPE) institutions contain valuable information in running the education business in an efficient and effective manner, supplying services consistently and in supporting effective performance evaluation and decisions. There are serious consequences and risk awaiting when the administrators of HPE are not based on information contained in e-records in making decisions. Well-informed decision makings would thus be impossible if electronic records are not efficiently and effectively managed using system. Therefore, Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is an effective and efficient tool to hinder such a problem. Voluminous electronic records are created every day in HPE. The record keepers inclusive of records managers, archivists, administrators and IT personnel, who are the people essentially involved in creating, maintaining and preserving the contents of the e-records.  Thus, these personnel participatinginthe records keeping should identify the readiness of the HPE institutions to adopt ERMS. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the readiness of the Yemeni HPE institutions to adopt the ERMS. The study involves interviewing 20 specialists from Yemeni HPE institutions who are involved in ERMS. The findings showed that in order to promote effective ERMS readiness in the HPE institutions, there should be a framework to be used as guidance in such process.


Yemen; Electronic Records Management System; ERMS Adoption; Policy; Higher Professional Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.6.6.1369


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Published by INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development