A New Syntax of Teaching Factory IR 4.0 Model in Vocational Education

Surfa Yondri, - Ganefri, - Krismadinata, Nizwardi Jalinus, - Sukardi


The competencies needed in the industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) era are critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. It is challenges and opportunities that exist in the period of IR 4.0 for vocational education. Therefore, it requires learning models that answer this. This study aimed to develop a new teaching factory model syntax that relevant to revolution industry 4.0. This study used mix qualitative and quantitative method. Syntax assessment was conducted through a focus group discussion attended by seven experts. Experts suggestions as qualitative data in this study and the qualitative method validated the experts’ model through a questionnaire. Questionnaire data analysis used Aiken’s V formula. A new syntax of the teaching factory model was developed based on three principals of the learning model, i.e., project-based learning, production-based learning, and teaching Factory. The implementation of the learning process was conducted by the hybrid system (face to face and online learning). Expert comments and suggestions are subject to fix and increase the completeness of a new syntax of teaching factory to be a learning model. Analysis results of expert validation showed that a new teaching factory model was valid and reliable to be applied in the learning process. Further study was needed to reveal the effect of new teaching factory syntax that is used in the learning process. Then, suggestions and revisions that might happen in further study.


teaching factory model IR 4.0; vocational education; learning management system.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.10.6.13197


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