Digital Payment Application as a Cashless Utilization and its Benefit for the Community in Denpasar City

I M A Widhyastana, R Rachmawati


The rapid development of technology, especially in the payment sector in Financial Technology (FinTech), has made transactions easier. Bank Indonesia and the government now support transactions with non-cash payments through the National Non-Cash Movement (Gerakan Nasional Non-Tunai/GNNT). GoPay as a digital e-Wallet payment has contributed to increasing the number of GoPay users in Indonesia. On the other hand, despite having obtained the highest Indonesia Smart City Index in the big city category, public internet access related to financial facilities in Denpasar, Bali Island, Indonesia, remains low. To fully develop itself as a Smart City, Denpasar needs to be supported by an effective and efficient payment system and financial transactions. This study aims to identify the use of GoPay by the people of Denpasar City and their socio-economic characteristics. The research methodology is a survey of 400 respondents in all sub-districts. The samples were determined using the Slovin formula with a confidence level of 90% in each sub-district. The criteria for respondents in this study were millennials aged from 20 to 40-year-olds born around the year 1980-2000. The results showed that GoPay was more widely used among students. Meanwhile, the use of GoPay in Denpasar has not shown a large number of users, as there were only 205 respondents who used GoPay out of the 400 respondents. Nevertheless, this condition shows that the use of GoPay has become an alternative payment.


Digital payment; cashless; Gopay; application; smart city.

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