eFAWATEERcom As an Electronic Bill Payment Service: The Case of Jordan

Haitham Alali


Considering an increasing burden of paying bills through an ordinary process, whether in terms of cost, time, or effort. The Central Bank of Jordan took the initiative role in coordination and cooperation with the National Payments Council to create eFAWATEER.com service as an electronic portal for presentation and billing collection. It is challenging to get a comprehensive study on the acceptance of eFAWATEER.com service in some of working banks in Jordan. eFAWATEER.com has been adopted by large number of Jordanians from different gender, age, educational levels, marital status, geographical areas, and monthly income. However, the users' intention to continue adopting eFAWATEER.com service might be influenced by the socio-demographic characteristics of those users. This research aims to investigate the difference in the intention to use eFAWATEER.com among users based on their gender, age, educational level, marital status, geographic location, and monthly income. Data were collected from eFAWATEER.com service users (i.e., Public and private sectors), using a paper-based questionnaire. 1000 questionnaires were distributed to the targeted sample, 456 valid responses were obtained. In order to get more information regarding to eFAWATEER.com service, an interview with the CEO of MadfooatCom company was conducted. The findings showed that, there is a significant difference when it comes to the user’s intention to continue adopting eFAWATEER.com as an electronic bill payment service determined by user's geographical location and gender. This research provides a general guidelines for "Madfooatcom Company" and the "Central Bank of Jordan" to make investments in another e-channels and e-services using eFAWATEER.com portal to work for many consumers categories in Jordan based on their geographical location and gender.


madfooatCom; electronic bill payment service; Jordan; eFAWATEER.com; commercial banks.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.10.4.12028


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