Redesign Work Method Using Kaizen Engineering

Cut Ita Erliana, - Syarifuddin, Ira Monika Br Ginting, Dahlan Abdullah


The technique of work procedures is studying techniques and principles to get the best work system design. One of the approaches in Redesign Work is Kaizen Engineering. The main advantage of Kaizen Engineering is increasing productivity, efficiency, and performance through the process of eliminating waste through small and continuous process improvements. One of the redesigns works processes that can be done is in the field of drinking water packaging. This research will be conducted at XYZ Ltd. as a mineral bottled water (in Indonesia known as Bottled Drinking Water / AMDK) company which was established in 1987. According to the observation, it is found that the number of demands is greater than the number of productions. The study's objective is to find out the proposed work method of XYZ Ltd. using kaizen engineering. The purpose is to make the packaging processing time shorter so that the number of produced products increased. Improvement was made by eliminating effective movements, bringing the layer table position closer, and creating a raft table design proposal to make the operators easier in doing their job. The time standard measurement result using the current work method is 70.98 seconds per person per cardboard. The measurement of the proposed work method improvement in the packaging processing decreased standard time to 55.54 seconds. It is 15.44 seconds or 21.75% lesser. This study showed that the proposed standard time could increase the output, reaching18 boxes per person per hour.


Mineral bottled water; kaizen engineering; motion; redesign work method.

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