The Impact of LRT Jabodebek in Enforcing Capability of the Intercity Transportation Network in the Greater Jakarta Area

Grace Rumondang Pangaribuan, Denissa Darmawi Purba


Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek or Greater Jakarta) is the greater capital region in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the fast growth of the population in Jabodetabek was not supported by a good growth or improvement of public transportation. The transportation network was predicted and evaluated to suffer considerable congestion by 2020. The current presence of Bus Rapid Transit and Commuter Line were insufficient to accommodate the current demand for the total number of trips in urban and suburban areas. Additionally, land availability and cost budgeting condition extend this issue to be more challenging. Thus, civil engineers and the government’s decision and collaboration contribute a significant role in solving and suggesting an optimal decision to strengthening transportation in Jabodetabek. Light Rail Transit (LRT) becomes a prominent answer to solve this problem, integrating the suburban to an urban area and reduce the traveling time. This paper evaluates the impact of LRT Jabodetabek in improving the capacity of traffic for the Greater Jakarta area and measure the effectiveness of LRT Jabodetabek. From this study, the analysis showed the positive contribution of LRT Jabodetabek in improving the longing dilemma by 2025. The paper also suggested future development of LRT Jabodetabek in optimizing the effectiveness through expanding its routes.


public transportation; Light Rail Transit (LRT); greater Jakarta; trip generation; transportation capacity.

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