Effect of Seed Type and Harvest Time of Seaweed (Eucheuma Cottonii) on The Quality of Alkali Treated Cottonii

Yuli Wibowo, Ahmad Nafi, Rizqi Ridha Jawara


Seaweed is a strategic commodity in Indonesia. The most cultivated species of seaweed in Indonesia is Eucheuma cottonii. To increase added value, Eucheuma cottonii is processed into various products, including Alkali Treated Cottonii (ATC). ATC is a semi-finished product with high value-added and can be used in both the food and non-food industries. The quality of ATC is strongly influenced by the quality of the seaweed used, which itself is strongly determined by the seed and harvest time of the seaweed. This research aimed to analyze the effect of the seed type and harvest time of seaweed on the quality of the ATC produced. The study was carried out in two stages. The first stage involved cultivating seaweed from different seaweed seeds (Lampung culture and Sumenep culture) and different harvesting times (40, 45, 50 days). The seaweed cultivation was carried out in the waters of Sumenep Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The second stage was to produce ATC from seaweed that had been harvested according to the relevant treatments. This research used a completely randomized design comprising two factors (seaweed seed and harvest time). The quality of seaweed was measured based on the parameters of water content, ash content, sulfate content, and gel strength. The data obtained were processed statistically using ANOVA. The results of the research show that the type of seaweed seed significantly affected the water content, sulfate content, and gel strength but did not significantly affect the ash content. The results also showed that the harvest time significantly affected the water content and gel strength but did not significantly affect the ash content and sulfate content. The best quality seaweed was obtained from the Sumenep type of culture seeds with a harvest time of 40 days after planting. The ATC produced was characterized by an ash content of 13.27%, water level of 13.79%, sulfate content of 1.17%, and gel strength of 1,372.74 gf/cm2.


seaweed seed; harvest time, Euchema cottonii; alkali treated cottonii; quality.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18517/ijaseit.10.4.11534


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