Compost and Biochar Characteristics Test of Some Animal Manure Waste

I Dewa Nyoman Sudita, Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang, Made Suarta


This study aims to determine the quality of compost and biochar from some animal manure in improving soil properties and fruit yields of chili plants. This research was conducted in a greenhouse, with nesting experiments using a random block design. The treatment composition consisted of 6 types of fertilizer (cow compost, goat compost, chicken compost, cow biochar, goat biochar, chicken biochar), and three levels of fertilizer doses (5, 10, and 15 tons ha-1) and one treatment control. The results showed differences in fertilizer types differed significantly for N-total soil and weight of red chili and were significantly different from P-available in the soil. While the difference in compost fertilizer dose has a significant effect on P-available and K-available soil, cow dung compost has the lowest effect on soil properties. The number and weight of fresh red chili per plant, while compost goat manure tends to be highest. Biochar from chicken droppings and doses significantly influenced the total N, the highest available P and the lowest C/N, and the amount and weight of fresh red chili. From this study, it can be concluded that the type of raw material for livestock manure for compost and biochar affects soil properties and red chili production, where compost and biochar from goats and chicken manure are better than cow dung. This research's implication is the type of animal feed ingredients affecting the face of livestock and determining the quality of compost and biochar.


Compost; biochar; livestock faeces; chili.

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