Chatbot Based Applications on Smart Home Use Natural Language Processing

Sri Nurhayati, Joko Purwanto


Smart Home technology development is directly proportional to the emergence of various applications as access media. Currently, many Smart Home applications do not use the concept of human-machine interaction (HMI). The problem that often arises in the interaction between humans and machines is that humans must understand what the machine wants to have wrong perceptions about the system. In this study, the solution is proposed with the HMI concept, which uses natural language interaction through the chatbot application as an interactive medium to control and monitor Smart Home devices. In this study, the chatbot application implements the Natural Language Processing (NLP) text recognition process. User acceptance of the system is carried out using the evaluation stage. Thirty users participated in an in-depth usage study in which they tackled using the system. This research aims to create an application that can make it easier for users to control various devices on a Smart Home through natural language interaction and to analyze the performance of the NLP method. The results showed that most users (90%) believed that the application can help users control and monitor Smart Home devices. The NLP application on the chatbot application provides a success rate of 93.3% where the results obtained from the chatbot response depend on the completeness of the token.


Smart home; chatbot application; natural language processing.

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