The Effect of the Addition of Cassava Leaf Extract in The Manufacturing of Wet Noodle on Antioxidant Activity and Fe Content

- Novelina


Cassava leaf contains vitamin, mineral, fiber, chlorophyll, and calorie. The vitamin which is found in cassava leaf are vitamin A, B1, B2, C, niacin, and also mineral like Fe (Ferrum), Ca (Calcium) and P (Phosphorous). In 100 g of cassava leaf contains 2 mg of Ferrum, this  amount enough to fulfill Ferrum needed by human body. Ferrum plays the important role in a human body to carry the oxygen from lungs to the tissue and to carry the electron in the process of performing energy in the cell.  This research is aim to see the influence of addition  of cassava leaf extract to the activity of antioxidant and Ferrum content of wet noodle produced. The treatment in this research is addition level of cassava leaf extract in the wheat compound dough for the preparation of wet noodle. The result showed that addition level of cassava leaf extract increased the activity of antioxidant up to 54.38% and Ferrum content up to 27.43 ppm.


cassava leaf; mocaf (modified cassava flour); wet noodle; antioxidant; ferrum

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